Holy crap! What a great day to be alive (I totally typoed that originally to "alove," which is making me smile. *bliss*)!
This is a combo "crap I am grateful for" + "events that transpired" post, 'cos it all kinda goes together. I'm going to put it in bullet points though, 'cos I am dorky that way:
- Clemson won their game on Saturday (!!)
- GORGEOUS day yesterday. Perfect Indian Summer weather - 75 and sunny blue skies, with altostratus and cirrus clouds just whiffing along on the currents.
- Saw the most gorgeous tree. Fall is in full swing, and the leaves have been lovely this year, despite all of the rain. As we headed over to a friend's house yesterday, we passed this oak (?) in one yard - it had begun shedding its leaves, but still ahd a lot on it. The result was that the bright yellow-orange leaves were sprouting off the tree itself AND pooled under it - it looked like it was growing out of a lake of golden fire.
- Out on motorcycles with a group of friends in the aforementioned gorgeous weather. Seriously, this is becoming my drug of choice, because no matter what is going on, I get on that bike, and my brain finally actually shuts down and I can be completely in the moment.
- WIND. I realised yesterday on the ride - we were out for hours, puttering along the backroads, sometimes at 90+ MPH - that the wind on the bike bascially acts like a very long, gentle flogging on the bits that don't normally get flogged (overshare, probably, but whatever). Up and down hills at 75, out in the open, you get a lot of battering from the wind, which is weirdly relaxing. I am not one for scenes, as a rule, but... I do *get* it, it's just not my preference as a rule. Sometimes, though... it's nice to be able to cede control completely and not have to worry about being present, and just... Go.
- Zen: the view from the bike, with the wind beating me everywhere, and the sound in my ears, and just leaning as it goes.
- Free pork chops! We stopped at a bar down in the middle of nowhere (ok, FINE, I'm sure it was actually somewhere but I don't know where that somewhere is), and when we walked out back, they had a giant-ass smoker set up, pork chops sizzling away. One of the guys asked "who do we pay?" "Oh, no one - just go grab some!" BRILLIANT. Also: really amazingly tasty. YUM!
- Banter. I love some good banter.
- FOOTBALL Handegg! Went to dinner last night and there was football handegg on every telly in the joint. The guys found it amuaing that my head was swivelling like Linda Blair to watch the various games and root at various teams - for no apparent reason than 'cos I had decided THAT team was the one I wanted to win. Whateve r- I had fun yelling at the television.
- Snuggling. 'nuff said.
- When you have a horrible dream and it's awful, and you KNOW it's bad in your dream, but then you wake up, and it was just a dream, and you aren't in the middle of awfulness after all and you roll over and see someone you love and you just wanna burrow inside them 'cos they look so COSY.
- And sometimes, you're just grateful that your life is YOUR LIFE, and you don't have the lives of some of the people you know, 'cos you know they are hurting. And you know where they are 'cos you've been there yourself, and you love them and give them what you can, but at the same time you are able to hold up where you are and where they are and see how very much you have to be grateful for at this very moment. I know that is an utterly ridiculous sentance, but it's true; I just couldn't figure out how to say it. I am simultaneously having my heart go out to them and loving them and being fully aware of how very, very fortunate I am in so many aspects of my life.