Monday, November 8, 2010

8 Nov 2010: Congrats!

Hilarity inducing moment:

a friend, upon hearing that I'd gotten married, congratulating the boyfriend, since that's who she usually sees me with instead of my partner. Hee!

Friday, November 5, 2010

5 November 2010


Fall has descended on the Southeast, and with it, a briskness in the air that makes me happy for heavy socks, big sweaters, fireplaces, and toasty laptops *laugh*

It also makes me grateful that my menfolk are first rate snugglers!

Have I mentioned that I am grateful for them? 'Cos I am.

Excellent things this week:
+ getting married beside a bonfire
+ on Halloween
+ at a party
+ where no one knew it was going on
like so:
Officiant: lemme try to remember how this goes... We are gathered here together to witness... Should I just call you WUG? Is that cool?

Me: Yeh, that's fine.

Officiant: Cool, WUG and Manflesh get married. And then, I'm supposed to say some stuff here, but I don't remember it, so WUG, do you take Manflesh to be your lawful husband?

Me: Yep, I sure do.

Officiant: Cool! *grins* And, Manflesh, do you take WUG to be your legal wife?

Manflesh: Yep.

Officiant: Cool! *bigger grin* Well, in that case, I guess I present to you all Mr and Mrs... Oh, wait, man, what's your last name?

*cracking up* BRILLIANT, and exactly what we wanted. <3

+ soft-opening of a friend's restaurant (delish in my face!)

+ good friends

+ long talks into the night

+ wood-burning fires

+ "Thread, not chapter"

+ Renn Faire plans with out-of-town friends

+ "Why do you look scared?" "You're dancing and smiling. That never bodes well for me."

+ first yoga class! (ow. But in a good way!)

+ hot showers
+ watching my ancient kitty be fascinated by my phone's screen - I swear, it's like he's reading Twitter *laughing*

+ meeting new neighbours - and bonding over similarities!

+ It's Friday!

+ YOU.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

27 October 2010


I know I have been SO bad about keeping up with this. All I can say is that it has been a crazy year.

Last fall/ winter, I went through a really rough spell that lasted for about 8 months. It wasn't pretty, and while I was looking at all the amazing things I have to the good, I still woke up most mornings wishing I hadn't.

In the spring, I started to come out of it some, and began working towards a life again. Nothing extravagant, but I definitely began getting out into the world again. There were challenges: a painful break up, shifts in my primary relationship, a lot of social activity to juggle, shifting tides at work, a lot of travel, the loss of my beloved dog, a leaky roof...

As with all of us, life continues, and we either deal or don't.

The amazing parts for me are that I have passed the nine-month milestone as a non-smoker, and I feel good. I have a partner that I love and trust and value my life with, and a boyfriend that I am very, very fond of and hope to have stick around for a while. I still have my hound dog on whom to lavish my doggeh lovin'. We found out that the leaky roof is going to be covered by insurance. I got an exciting new job opportunity. I've gotten to go camping and play hooky - and had someone play hooky solely to spend time with me. I have lost (a very tiny bit of) weight. I have had the pleasure of swimming in lakes and learning new things about how my body can move. I'm getting married in a few days (... that one kinda blows my mind).

It's been a hard year, and no doubt about it.

But for now, the blessings far outweigh the hard parts. And that is what I choose to look at.

Monday, August 23, 2010

23 Aug 10

Wow, I have been slack. Not 'cos I haven't been stuffed with gratitude, but I've been busily expressing it elsewhere.

It's been a pretty kickass month, actually, on a number of fronts.

Made new friends, lots of social activity (which is sometimes a tough balance for me - I need it, but it's also draining, in some ways), I've been exercising (... ish) a few times a week (hooping counts, right?), getting to know new people.

+ Getting dolled up to go to Rocky Horror at midnight
+ girls' night
+ breakfast dates
+ crushes
+ hoop jam!
+ motorcycle rides in the summer night
+ trivia nights
+ planning trips
+ not being able to stop smiling, to the point my face hurts
+ talking for hours
+ skinny dipping in the witching hour
+ fur blankets
+ fun-do!
+ pot roast
+ balance
+ trust

Thursday, July 22, 2010

22 Jul '10

I am grateful for:

+ lying in a giant hammock, in the woods, listening to the breeze, birds, and a nearby creek

+ sitting on a couch, on the top of a car, as it travels down a mountian, through a rainforest, in the breeze, and hearing dubstep drifting through the trees (seriously: best. Ever)

+ cold mountain lakes

+ dancing in the rain

+ new hoop tricks (basket weave! Rising moon! Isolations!)[Key: not using my 44"/ 1" hoop for off-body]

+ having a partner that understands how important it is for me to go do things like that

+ meeting new people

+ synchronicity!

+ being gifted 2 gold-tone metal forearm gauntlets (so rad - I feel like Wonder Woman!)(!!)

+ ground score of a pyramid-headed quartz crystal

+ forgetting my headlamp, but being given a hand-sized flashlight

+ being surrounded by joy

+ wearing a tutu and tailcoat with zebra print rain boots, and instead of getting "what the fuck are you wearing?" getting "holy shit, you looks AWESOME!"

+ a dream in which I literally became part of the earth (it sounds like a nightmare when I try to explain it, but it was incredible - the ground and tree roots and creek came up and started melding into my body, and my body morphed into the ground)

+ TEVA-shaped tanlines on my feet *laughing*

+ being in a place for days where no one shakes hands, but everyone hugs - even when they have just met you

+ new friends

22 Jul '10

I am grateful for:

+ lying in a giant hammock, in the woods, listening to the breeze, birds, and a nearby creek

+ sitting on a couch, on the top of a car, as it travels down a mountian, through a rainforest, in the breeze, and hearing dubstep drifting through the trees (seriously: best. Ever)

+ cold mountain lakes

+ dancing in the rain

+ new hoop tricks (basket weave! Rising moon! Isolations!)[Key: not using my 44"/ 1" hoop for off-body]

+ having a partner that understands how important it is for me to go do things like that

+ meeting new people

+ synchronicity!

+ being gifted 2 gold-tone metal forearm gauntlets (so rad - I feel like Wonder Woman!)(!!)

+ ground score of a pyramid-headed quartz crystal

+ forgetting my headlamp, but being given a hand-sized flashlight

+ being surrounded by joy

+ wearing a tutu and tailcoat with zebra print rain boots, and instead of getting "what the fuck are you wearing?" getting "holy shit, you looks AWESOME!"

+ a dream in which I literally became part of the earth (it sounds like a nightmare when I try to explain it, but it was incredible - the ground and tree roots and creek came up and started melding into my body, and my body morphed into the ground)

+ TEVA-shaped tanlines on my feet *laughing*

+ being in a place for days where no one shakes hands, but everyone hugs - even when they have just met you

+ new friends

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Costa Rica was an adventure and we had such an amazing time - zip lines in the canopy? Yes, please!

Today I am grateful that a friend pointed me at a blog that had the incredible idea to treat everything you encounter as a gift. I had a close call this morning, and I am beyond grateful that it wasn't worse than it was.

I am grateful for the rain we're getting right now, and that the new grass seed we planted might actually grow.

I am grateful we've had a string of gorgeous days for quite some time, and having the opportunity to go to both the mountains and the lake recently.

Monday, April 26, 2010

26 April 2010

Costa Rica countdown initiated!

In less than 48 hours, we will be done with the first leg of our trip and on our way to ridiculous decadence.

I'm really, really excited, 'cos a) we're not generally very good at vacation, and b) TROPICAL PARADISE, hello.

I completely forgot it was Boobquake day, though. Boo.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20 April 2010

Day 96 as a nonsmoker.

It's still really hard, but I am really glad that despite some really brutal stuff recently, I never reached for them. I'm proud of that.

I'm grateful today that in 8 days, I go to Costa Rica on a free trip. That's pretty badass.

Monday, March 8, 2010

8 March 2010

I've managed to make it almost two months without smoking, and I have begin thinking of myself as a nonsmoker.

It's an important distinction, that I chose the word "nonsmoker" instead of "ex-smoker," 'cos it makes a pretty major difference in my head in how I think of it.

I'm still fighting some crap in my head - I stopped ding my daily posts here because I had started to feel like I was falling apart behind the facade. I still do and still am, though I am hopeful I am reaching the end of that. I don't know if I am, but I feel like maybe it's on the upswing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

5 February 2010

Dual -purpose post: half gratitude, half sense-of-accomplishment! Wheee!

-- it's Friday!
-- it's not snowing or icing (this is important, as though it is raining like the dickens, we were supposed to get ice and snow and all manner of ICK, and we're not! Huzzah!)
-- my honey bought me a gorgeous present the other week. It's not a present that would make most people go all gooey, but it was meaningful to me, and I've been wanting it for about a year, so I'm still all giddy.
-- I have mastered cubed steak, and taught the man how to make gravy (this is so rad, 'cos I know lots of ppl who can't make gravy for nothin')
-- the people in my life are so incredibly amazing. Random conversations lead to weeks of food for thought. I love that.

I've passed the three week mark as a nonsmoker.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 7: Different meaning

I'm not going to lie: the last few weeks* have been pretty brutal, but I'm putting a good face on things, 'cos that's what I was raised that you should do.

Today, though, I have something for here.

Today is Day Seven of being a non-smoker.

* It's worth noting here that I originally wrote "months," because while it's only been almost four weeks, it has felt like about six months since I have been here. This is why I have to have a daily habit when I am writing. I lose the bead. Also: those four weeks have had an awful lot of crap in them that made them feel like a lifetime.
