Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 63

Chilly and rainy today, and still! Things to be grateful for! Huzzah!

I had to go to the DMV this morning as my license is expiring next week. After a bit of confusion and going to the wrong office originally, I found the right one and signed in for my renewal. Sat and read for about 15 minutes, and my number was called. Five more minutes and I was done!

While I was at first slightly distraught that no food or drink is allowed in the office - in my head, a DMV trip is always nightmarish and a long sitting there - I was pleasantly surprised to have it be such a quick resolution. My coffee hadn't even had time to get cold. How's that for rad?

Added bonus - I realised yesterday that I haven't touched my health savings account, and I need to get that sorted so it won't all go to waste, so I called up my dentist to see if I could get squoze in for an appointment. And squoze they did - I have an appointment today for a cleaning and to see what I need to get done. Hurrah!

... It's probably a little strange to be excited about a dental appointment, but I do need to get that all looked into, as it has been quite some time since I've had my teefs looked at. My bruxing has gotten worse, and I know my teeth have shifted pretty badly. And, y'know: it's never a bad idea to make sure you're not rocking a pile o' cavities and gum disease. So off I go this afternoon for that.

YAY! (seriously)

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