Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 18

It is buttclenchingly cold out this morning - not as cold as it will get over the course of the winter, to be sure, but for the time of year, the temperature has dropped really quickly, to our first below-freezing temps of the season.


Considering I live in the south, and it's OCTOBER, having a hard frost is a little disconcerting.


I am determined to maintain my good cheer and gratitude - though I will warn you, it may get more difficult as the season progresses as I suffer some from Seasonal Affected Disorder.

Having said that, last night, my sweetheart took me to a concert as a celebration of my continued sobriety (yesterday was my 18th anniversary of joining the ranks of sober, joyous, and free!). While we were at the concert, he bought me a hockey-jersey styled sweatshirt - *bouncing squee!*

Today, I am wearing that sweatshirt jersey as a reminder that though it is cold, there is warmth to be had. Also: the sun i shining brightly, and I am, as always, blessed.

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