Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 7

First, an addenda to Day 6. Let's call it Day 6.1:
Yesterday, in a fit of hubris, I showed this blog to a friend of mine. She's generally pretty upbeat, and a constant inspiration to me, so I sent her the link to this little exercise without telling her anything about it.

I meant to get back here yesterday and add her response, because it made me so happy:
"omg i love all your gems of fun times! thats really magical."

As a secondary bit of happiness-inducement, there is an elsewhere I wrote about some other things, and a friend commented to me that my remarks there inspire her to try new things.

Aren't those amazings thing to be told? It gives me joy to know others are touched by my small steps, when I am just working to get things out of my head. Small gems of joy to admire when when I am lacking in inspiration of my own.

And now, onto new business.

It's that time of year when the weather is changing on a dime - cool and cloudy giving way to sunny and downright warm with capricious speed. One doesn't want to turn on either the heat of the air conditioning, because it will only bne appropriate for about 15 minutes.

Last night, I woke up a little chilled, as we've not yet put the winter blankets on the bed. Right about the time I became conscious of being un-warm, Manflesh scooted over on the bed and curled his toasty body around me. In short order, I was comfortably cosy again, and drifted back to sleep.

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