Friday, October 9, 2009

Joy Linking

I should probably go sign up for a billion affiliate accounts or something so I can make ALL THAT MONEY from the traffic I'll be sending (...)(*cue maniacal laughter*), but mostly, these are just some links that focus on enjoyment that I am liking this week.

Oh, let's be honest: Probably all the time *laugh* Which is my way of saying: these are all simply my own opinion.*

The Happiness Project: Seriously. How can you not automatically be put in a better mood by that? I mean: A project ALL ABOUT HAPPINESS. So rad.

Zen Habits: My friend The Panda pointed me at this a while back, and while I certainly am not together enough to remember to read it as regularly as I should, when I do, it always serves up exactly what I am needing.

Vital Affirmations: Brilliant.

50 Ways to Brighten Your Day: Exactly what it says. Always good to have on hand.

A big PILE of articles about embracing joy

And, of course, there is ALWAYS Gala Darling, who is consistently charmingly insane, who brings us this list of stuff to cheer yourself up. Brilliant.

I used to do a Love Thursday post over in one of my other webhomes, but I figure: Why limit myself? ^.^

*No endorsements have been paid or given by the sites listed herein. All comments are simply because I happen to think the site in question is pretty rad. Here endeth the disclaimer.

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