Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 20

I like to update this first thing in the morning so my day is started on the best poissible note.

The downside of that is that my mornings are generally pretty rushed and it can be tough to find something in that tiny amount of time before I have to begin my work day. On the other hand, I usually have a full day between posts.

Like many women who work full-time outside the home, trying to figure out what I want for dinner is an ongoing struggle. I am totally not together enough first thing in the morning to get a crock pot together, and I don't usually think about it at night - I'm doing good if I get one meal into my belly once I get home!

At any rate, last night I was looking around the kitchen, kind of despairing, as I haven't been to the grocery in a while and the freezer is a little barren, we have eaten most of the quickie "throw-together" meals that we have on hand (usually stuff I have cooked ahead of time and frozen), and I am totally sick of hamburgers.

As I stared into the freezer on top of the fridge, I slowly realised I had two freezer packages of garlic naan - they've been in there for quite some time, as I picked them up thinking I would be adventurous and make Indian for dinner some time. I had picked up some shelf-stable pre-made stuff at the same time -- boil in bag dinner things.

The problem with this is that I don't really LIKE Indian food all that much.

On the other hand, I was completely fried and really didn't feel like cooking.

So I pulled the naan out, and made some rice, and boiled up the bags, pretty resigned that dinner was going to be awful -- after all, how often are pre-made things actually tasty? Not so very often, in my experience.

I was pleasantly surprised at how flavourful the whole meal was. The naan had just enough flavour, and the [whateveritwas] has a nice kick to it - enough that my sweetie's nose began running!

Sometimes, the things we resign ourselves to end up better than what we would've planned for.

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